Monday, March 24, 2014

Lemens Finance Building

The Lemens Finance Building has a couple of stories. First is the story of why the building is still here. In the 1980s, a developer tried to buy the building so he could build yet another bland skyscraper. The owner refused to sell, so they built the behemoth around it. Some thirty years later, it remains - a stalwart reminder of old Austin in the midst of marching development.

The other story is that the building was part of MTVs first attempt at a prime-time situation comedy in 1997. The series was called "Austin Stories," and one of the characters was a columnist at a weekly newspaper (like the Austin Chronicle). The Lemens Bldg. was used as the front for the fictional newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. Cool story and so right. I remember al but MTV (oh my) but I sure love the building and so glad it’s still there. I love Sr for taking his stand! The people that make this bldg, the ones inside, you won’t find any better! Dora
